3–5 Nov 2023
Riga, Latvia
Europe/Riga timezone

The Ubuntu Colombia LoCo Team Scale up!

3 Nov 2023, 16:30
Beta 1 – Workshops (Radisson Blu Latvija)

Beta 1 – Workshops

Radisson Blu Latvija

Talk (25 Minutes) Community


Lina Elizabeth Porras Santana (She/Her)
Ubuntu Community Council


Inspired by the Ubuntu Summit 2022 and understanding that a community needs activities, needs interaction, this year in the Ubuntu Colombia LoCo Team we started to make some small changes to bring new people and to bring new activities in the LoCo to scale up the team.

These types of activities involve not only other communities, students, but professionals, companies and NGOs, which are very important to the success of Ubuntu as an ecosystem. Some of the activities that we have done are a LPIC course, a web bootcamp, participation in events such as FLISoL and Open Smart Festival, the UbuConLA 2023 project, mentoring of new people and the celebration of the first semester birthdays. This has been possible with the collaboration of the team: Alexander, Diego, Jhosman, Carlos, Jonathan, and more.

Session author's bio

I am Systems Engineer and Medical doctor, focus on telemedicine for more than 5 years and promoter of FLOSS technologies for mor than 12 years. Current Ubuntu Colombia LoCo contact and national coordinator of Latin American Install Fest - FLISoL.

Social Media linaporras
Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials