3–5 Nov 2023
Riga, Latvia
Europe/Riga timezone

How to launch an open source software?

Not scheduled
Sigma – Talks (Radisson Blu Latvija)

Sigma – Talks

Radisson Blu Latvija

Talk (25 Minutes) Infrastructure


Ömer Faruk Aydin


We recently (end of 2022 - beginning of 2023) launched our open-source business automation software, Automatisch, on various platforms and got ~2.7k GitHub stars and 215 Discord members until now. Throughout the multiple launches, we have learned how to launch a product successfully and what should be done before and after the launch. We also noted all the essential metrics of every launch that we would like to share with the Ubuntu community.

The outline of the talk will be similar to the following slides:

  • About Us
  • What is Automatisch?
  • Why did we build it?
  • How did we build it? (Tech stack)
  • What we did before the launch?
  • Reddit launches
  • Product Hunt launch
  • HN launch
  • Funding vs Boostrapping
  • Alternative communities for open-source projects
  • What we did after the launch?
  • What we learned?
  • What we would do differently?
  • Q & A

Session author's bio

Co-founder of Automatisch - Helping data-sensitive companies automate their business processes.

Social Media https://twitter.com/farukaydin
Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.