3–5 Nov 2023
Riga, Latvia
Europe/Riga timezone

Hands-on containerisation: chiseling .NET 8 applications with Ubuntu

4 Nov 2023, 10:00
Beta 1 – Workshops (Radisson Blu Latvija)

Beta 1 – Workshops

Radisson Blu Latvija

Workshop (1 Hour) Application Ecosystem


Cristovao Cordeiro
Richard Lander
Program manager at Microsoft


Immerse yourself in this guided workshop led by Richard Lander—Program Manager for .NET— and Valentin Viennot —Product Manager for Ubuntu container images.

This hands-on session will guide you through the process of containerising .NET applications using Ubuntu. You will be guided through the creation of minimal OCI images yet maximising security and efficiency in your applications.

Whether you're new to containers or looking to improve your skills, you will walk away from this session with a practical understanding of constructing secure and lightweight containers, designed for a seamless from development to production journey.

Session author's bio

Principal Program Manager for .NET Core at Microsoft, Richard Lander is a leading figure of the .NET community. With a strong track record in open-source and a deep-seated commitment to community engagement, Richard is a seasoned expert of the .NET platform and a champion of the arm architecture support. He’s been an outstanding contributor to making .NET thrive on Linux and containers, relentlessly pushing for innovation and more collaboration.

Cristovao (aka Cris) is an Engineering Manager@Canonical, ex-CERN engineer, with 10+ years of experience in Cloud and Edge computing. With an MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cristovao started his career as a Computing Engineer, integrating Cloud Computing resources into the largest computing grid in the world, the WLCG. Throughout the years, Cristovao became more and more focused on containers and how to integrate them with the whole spectrum of computing, from the Cloud to the Edge. Nowadays, Cristovao is managing a team of container experts who are responsible for the building of stellar container images, including the beloved official Ubuntu container image.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media twitter.com/valentinviennot twitter.com/runfaster2000

Presentation materials

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