10 August 2024
Microsoft Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Building ISP infra and business with Ubuntu and KVM

10 Aug 2024, 16:20
Dokdo (Microsoft Korea)


Microsoft Korea

13F, 50 Jong-ro 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
강연(Talk / 20-30분) 클라우드와 인프라 Cloud and Infrastructure


Jong Hoon LEE


What do you think ISP business for making happy world?
- What is ISP business with Ubuntu and KVM?
- Where is it deploy?
- Why they need it?
- How to make it?

발표자 소개 Biography

I'm working on computer network for 15 years.
And I'm living with Ubuntu from 2010.
I prepared it and would like to draw our future with you.

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