Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Contribution List

57 / 57
Aveek Basu, Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting/Canonical)
8/24/24, 11:10 AM
Organizer notes
Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting/Canonical)
8/24/24, 12:10 PM
Talk (40 min)

Conference attendees to Till:

Printing works better than under Windows or Mac!

Michael Tunnell, TuxDigital, says in one of his videos:

There is no such thing like a pain-free experience of printing under Windows ... Linux printing is ridiculously good ...

Till Kamppeter, leader of the OpenPrinting project, will give an...

Aveek Basu, Michael Sweet (Lakeside Robotics Corporation), Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting/Canonical)
8/24/24, 5:10 PM
Questions & Answers

Ask us anything what you want to know about OpenPrinting and about printing and scanning ...

Ayush Chopra (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
8/24/24, 6:30 PM
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science
Talk (40 min)
Aveek Basu
8/25/24, 11:35 AM
Talk (20 min)


Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting/Canonical)
8/25/24, 12:10 PM
OS Distributions and Packaging
Talk (40 min)

Immutable Linux distributions are talked about a lot. Ease of use and security by the operating system itself and also the applications in read-only file systems and isolated from each other, this an idea coming from smartphone operating systems.

Well before the immutable hype, a decade ago, Canonical, having given up on the...

Aaryan Porwal (Canonical), Aveek Basu, Rudra Pratap Singh, Sahil Arora, Shivam Jaiswal, Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting/Canonical)
8/25/24, 3:00 PM
Panel (40 min)

Till Kamppeter and Aveek Basu are organizing every year the participation of the Linux Foundation as mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and are mentoring contributors for OpenPrinting.

In all the years (16) we did not only get a lot of work done, but got people...

8/25/24, 4:25 PM
Talk (40 min)


8/25/24, 6:30 PM
Talk (40 min)


Aveek Basu, Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting/Canonical)
8/25/24, 7:20 PM
Organizer notes
